February 10, 2011

Happy New Year To You Too

I loved the Chinese New Year celebration. Not because it meant I had to yet again pay my staff not to work for two days, or the good restaurants being closed for four days while everyone gets together, nor be it the following-the-partner around to visit family members who I don’t remember meeting before, but because of the ironic situation that happened with respect to petrol prices.

A friend put it to me this way. Just before Chinese New Year, the price of petrol was raised yet again. Yes, in a country where most people are struggling with the existing prices, the added burden will no doubt cause unnecessary stress on quite a few.

Cliparts: Money Bags-JOHNNY AUTOMATIC /Oil Kills-KAESO

The ironic part, as I was told by one of my friends, was on the first day, the Government sends everyone a Gong Xi message to wish happy CNY to all and sundry, but as it was so eloquently put, really more like saying “thank you for the ang pow”.

I got the point on this, because it seems so timely. Just before a major celebration, up the prices or up the tax, so that you can collect, knowing full well the huge number of people travelling.

Government tax is, as a former colleague put it, “legitimate theft”.

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