April 10, 2011

Back to School for Ibrahim Ali

I NEED to apologise to all my intelligent readers for having to run this post first thing on a beautiful Sunday. But I need to ask a question that actually needs no answer: Do we really need another dumb ass politician who equates “wife-ly duties” to satisfying “husbands’ sexual needs”, “husbands’ arousal at seeing something sexually tempting”, “wives dropping everything to satisfy a husband’s demands” and then uses religion to back his daft statements?

Ibrahim Ali's brainless comment as reported in The Daily Chilli. Bravo old man. You can't get any more daft than this.

If all husbands are like him it is no wonder women prefer being left alone.

But the saddest part of it all is how oblivious Ibrahim Ali is on the impact of his empty-can statement to his wife who has over the years bore him children, how he openly humiliates and belittles her by saying what he said. Can his children and his grandchildren walk in the open without wishing no one knows them or their surname?

Excerpts of what the independent lawmaker said as quoted in The Daily Chilli. Are you sure you are a lawmaker Ibrahim?
The report in MalaysiaKini. Aren't you proud Ibrahim to be in the MCP Club?

We may be living in the 21st Century but many of Malaysia’s Malay politicians are still living in Stone-age.

The next time any of you demented Malay politicians want to justify your sexual urges please stand tall by just admitting your weaknesses without using the Quran as your shield.

This is specially dedicated to Ibrahim Ali. The next time you open your mouth, please check your brain compartment first!
Men like Ibrahim Ali only tarnish the purity of religion, any religion.

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