January 14, 2011

Customers are No More Kings

Once upon a time, there was a phrase, the "customer is King". I wonder what has happened to that ideology in Malaysia, because the more stores I walk into, the more I feel like they are doing me a favour, than I am their valued customer. Really people, it is time for that to change.

My pet peeve is customer service; that is, if I actually get any.

Shop assistants, poorly dressed and groomed, follow us around the shop like we're going to steal something. If I want their help, I'll ask, but I don't need some over-zealous teenager or twinky watching everything I contemplate purchasing.

But more annoying is how they address customers. The good ones, all you can get is a cursory "yes". That's not even a sentence!
 Thinking Empty Box_OCAL

What happened to proper customer service, where the customer is greeted in a polite tone, asked if they would like assistance? Now, we have to ask them for assistance, that is, if so many service staff can actually detach themselves from endless SMSs or iPods and actually do their job.

I relay one story that happened a few years ago in the Gardens, somewhere I expected to get reasonably good customer service. A male assistant came up to me and just said "yes". My immediate response was "it is not yes, you should say Good afternoon Sir, how may I help you?" The guy just looked at me blankly.

Something is seriously amiss. It is time for customers to demand more -- after all, in so many places, a service charge is being applied, and for what service?

1 comment:

  1. I hate it when the shop assistants follow my butt with each step I take inside their shop. Once, I tested by moving 1 foot forward - pause (and the girl followed 1 step forward) - moved back 1 step and there she was, following my exact steps. SO ANNOYING!

    But I know someone who just tells the shop assistants to stop following her when she shops. I like going shopping with her LOL

    Oh another annoying habit they're into now is the CONSTANT SHOUT of "Hello Welcome". It doesn't feel sincere when the whole shop shouts it out with less than enthusiastic voices too.

