January 12, 2011

The Difference Between “In” and “By”

I had an experience recently, where I felt let down by a particular person in my wider circle. It got me to thinking there really is a huge difference between “being disappointed by someone” and “being disappointed in someone”. Semantics you say. I say No!  ‘By’ and ‘in’ are so different.

I am often disappointed by people; they fail to do things (like keep promises, doing their work, etc), but this is an easily forgivable and surface issue, something that a simple “sorry” can help to heal. It is simply the person failed to live up to what was expected.

But, being disappointed ‘in’ someone is far different. It is when their actions not only let down yourself, but also let down themselves. Being disappointed in someone is because their actions and behaviour fell far short of what you know they are capable of, and what they know they are capable of.

Without naming names, obviously I have been disappointed in someone recently. It might be family, it might be friends, but 99.9% sure they won't be reading it here - so don't worry all of you paranoid friends out there.

It was because they showed promise and potential, but at the end of the day, let themselves down far more than they let me down by not standing up to the challenge.

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going, as the old adage goes, is the best way to describe being disappointed in someone. The perpetual mentality of running away, even though they could embrace the situation and come out on top.

I have more respect for people who keep plugging away and maybe not succeeding, than I do for those who give in at the first hurdle. Yes, I'm disappointed in them because they know they could do better, but they were too afraid to try.

Well, that’s my first daily bitch.

You don’t have to agree or disagree with me – actually, I really don’t care! It’s simply my little space on the web to vent my little frustrations that either irritate or overwhelm me, or in this case, just simply disappoint.

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